
Send preinstalled app activity

You can use the Adjust SDK to send Adjust activity from apps that came preinstalled on a user's device. This enables you to send information from users who didn't download your app from a campaign.

You can send data from preinstalled apps to a predefined default link. When a user opens the app for the first time, the install session is associated with the default link token.

Configuring a default link token enables you to attribute all preinstalls to a predefined Adjust link. Adjust records all information against this token until the attribution source changes.


To set your default link token, call the setDefaultTracker method of your AdjustConfig instance with the following argument:

token: String

Your alphanumeric Adjust link token.

Tutorial: Set a default link token

  1. Create a new campaign link in Campaign Lab. Your link structure should be similar to this:{token}.

  2. Copy this token and assign it to the setDefaultTracker property of your adjustConfig instance.

    var adjustConfig:AdjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(appToken, environment);
  3. Build and run your app. If you have logging enabled, you should see a message like the following in your app's log output: Default token: 'abc123'